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Mailing List: wreckdiver

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From: "" <>
To: Aquanaut <>
Subject: Welcome to the wreckdiver list.
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 01:40:52 +0000


   The WRECKDIVER mailing list is intended to provide a forum
for individuals to discuss topics of interest to wreck diving.
All discussion on this list will be conducted in a responsible
manner. Repeated flaming, name calling, or improper conduct
will result in expulsion from the list.

   There will be no blatant advertising on this list, although
brief announcements may be acceptable. Also, Boat Schedules
may be posted here, but please keep the advertising down to
a minimum.

*** NOTICE ***

   Wreck Diving is a hazardous endeavour which should not be
conducted without the proper training and experience. No
content discussed on this list should be accepted as fact
without personally checking the information yourself.

   Any techniques or equipment endorsed or discussed on this
list are used or applied at YOUR OWN RISK!!!

"WHATEVER happens to you when you willingly go underwater is
COMPLETELY and ENTIRELY your own responsibility! If you cannot
accept this responsibility, stay out of the water!"   - Fish Nerd

Future enhancements: We are hoping to have an archive of all
posted messages on line soon. We also hope to have available
a listing of files that can be requested.

Towards spring we will attempt to have a Web Site up with
access to archives and files as well as being a bulletin
board for the wreck diving community containing boat schedules,
shop sales, special charters, etc..

Please send any comments or suggestion you have to:

This email message gives you important information about using
this list - please save it for future reference.

Sending mail to the list

To send a message to all wreckdiver list members, use a message
with the following form (the email address is case insensitive):

       From: anydiver@mr*.co*
    Subject: Dry Suit Recommendation

    Can anybody recommend a sturdy, wreck diving dry suit?

Leaving the list

To stop receiving messages from wreckdiver you will need to send
a message to the list manager called "" with
a command to remove you from the list.  The list manager controls
who belongs to the list.  For example:

       From: anydiver@mr*.co*
    Subject: <not needed>

    leave wreckdiver

If you receive a message saying you are not a member but you are still
getting messages, you could be subscribed as a different email address.
In one of the errant messages, check for the "X-ListMember:" clause in
the header of the message.  It will have the form:

    X-listMember: brian@ab*.co*.uk* []

which means that this message was from the list called "wreckdiver"
and sent to the email address "brian@ab*.co*.uk*".  You can now leave the
list by sending the message:

       From: anydiver@mr*.co*
    Subject: <not needed>

    leave wreckdiver brian@ab*.co*.uk*

Requesting digests

Instead of getting each message from the list seperately, you may ask
the list server to send you a compendium of all the messages that were
sent that day.  To do this, send a message to the list server with the
command "DIGEST".  For example:

       From: anydiver@mr*.co*
    Subject: <not needed>

    digest wreckdiver

The list manager will send you a confirmation message back and every
24-hours you will receive a single email message with a contents
and each message listed in it.

Where to report problems

Should you still have any problems or questions, please email
postmaster@wr*.co* who will be happy to help.

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