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From: "Dan Volker" <dlv@ga*.ne*>
To: "Tech Diver" <>
Cc: "Derek McNulty" <scubascl@ga*.ne*>
Subject: Instructor brings student back from what McKnulty said was certain death!
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 11:23:25 -0400
 South  Florida  had another tech accident on June 30th,  another instructor
was with a student when an emergency situation occurred, but unlike the
Dereck McKnulty incident, this instructor had the skill, the training, and
the balls to save his student.

She was unconscious at 150 feet----a condition McKnulty claimed earlier this
year, would likely be a death sentence----and this belief justified his
cowardly refusal to attempt a rescue, even though he had  an enormous
reserve of back gas, for the maximum of 4 to 5 minute rescue he would have

In the June 30 incident, the instructor correctly chose to rescue the
student, and made the assumption that her high blood PPO2 would allow her to
be revived on the surface.  This assumption was proven to be absolutely
correct, as she was feeling just fine a few hours later.

If any one would like to remind Derick Mcknulty about his failings as an
instructor, as a buddy, or as a man, his e-mail is

scubascl@ga*.ne*    , or at least it was unless he has giving up Internet ,
choosing instead to deal with people without the ability to hear about his
negligence through Internet based peer review.

And yes, Derrick still teaches at the Scuba School in Fort Lauderdale ---
"Everyone " should know this, in case a new diver asks. .  --- I guess maybe
Tom Mount is waiting for Derrick to gang rape some 3rd graders,  in full
view of a video camera, and in that IANTD investigation, maybe he could rap
things up within 2 or 3 months---you never know, one of the 3rd graders may
have been a consenting adult---tom would have to be sure. Considering the
complexity of the Jane Orstein death, this IANTD investigation could go on
until Derrick is so old he retires. If this course is developed, I wonder
what his total body count will be???

It may be up to us to create a "just" punishment for McKnulty.  Let's not
let this poor excuse for a human being kill another  student diver...I mean
"teach" another student diver.

Dan Volker

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