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Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 11:47:07 -0400
From: "Thomas A. Easop" <tomeasop@mi*.co*>
Organization: EPI
To: billyw <bdi@wh*.ne*>
CC: Tech Diver <>
billyw wrote:

> Since you like analogies, here's another one for you: The reason why
> novices don't climb into race cars at Indy, go racing and kill themselves,
> is not because no novice has ever wanted to (hell, there are enough
> tostesterone-enhanced novice drivers out there to make a complete
> starting grid) but because the controlling organisations don't allow it.

These testosterone-enhanced novice drivers out there go on to kill themselves
on the highway, like the guy who won the Darwin award a few years back for
putting the rocket booster on his car. I don't know about you, I say he was
responsible for himself.

Suffice to say, I differ on this view of responsibility. I think my position
on it will keep me alive alot longer than if I adopted your view. If I buy the
farm on a dive (or in a dive class) it will be my fault and my fault alone, at
which time I foresee, some people on this list will then aggree with me!

Guns and Armour of SCAPA FLOW
1998 Underwater Photographic Survey of Historic Wrecks

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