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From: <NAUI7874@ao*.co*>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 23:46:19 EDT
To: CHKBOONE@ao*.co*,
Subject: Re: Re: Boat responsibility

In a message dated 7/11/98 4:52:24 PM, Chuck Boone wrote:

>From what I have read on the list it appears that the instructor was
>grossly negligent and it is quite possible that Jim was as much a victim of
>this as was Jane.

If I can add my 2 cents worth.

the post was well thought out.
and yes I also beleve Jim was dooped on this one.
one of the main reasons we found Jane so amaizingly quickly was due to Jims
good work

Jim does feel rotten over this, and as much as you or I tell him otherwise he
will always feel this way becouse of who he is. I feel we would not be having
this discussion if he had been in the water with Jane.

as far as being  scuba cop - it is alleged that Derick lied and had Jane not
sign on as a student. I have a copy of the boat roster and just reread it to
be sure. how can you police against that?? if true of course, and I am sure we
will find out in court. 

Jane used my phone # as the # on the roster. I keep looking over and stareing
at it so I think I need to put this all away for a while

If you have any questions I will try to answer them

thank you
Alan Pelstring
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